Mayan Roots
“Tierra Mi Cuerpo, Agua mi Sangre, Viento Mi Aire, Fuego my Espiritu”
“I’ve had the honor of bearing witness to the teachings of Dr. Rosita Arvigo. She has spent the last three decades teaching and sharing the wisdom of the Maya and is a true light in this world. Rosita had a long-term apprenticeship with the late Maya H’Men (Doctor-Priest), Don Elijio Panti of Belize as well as a handful of Central American Midwives and Healers.
“The techniques that Rosita has imparted upon me bring together bodywork, traditional remedies, herbal knowledge and spiritual healing to support the restoration of the body and bring to a state of wholeness-where the chu’lel (life force energy) can flow with ease.”
“The uterus is the women’s center. If her uterus is not in proper position and good health, nothing in her life will be right. She will be out of balance as her uterus.” -Don Elijio Panti (traditional healer of the Mopan Maya village- Belize)